30 septembre 1739 (1) : George Martine (Paris) écrit à Mortimer :
I cannot sufficiently express the gratefull sense I have of your kindness in taking so much trouble to recommend me to your friends and correspondents abroad. Mons[ieu]r Clairaut shew'd me very great kindness and civility. He took the trouble to go along with me to the observatory, where I survey'd de la Hire, de Reaumur and abbé Nollet's thermometers. […] I left a memorandum in Mr Clairaut's hands for Mr de Rea[u]mur […]. Mr Clairaut tells me that Mr Cassini does not care much for talking of the figure of the Earth: but he and his son with Mr Maraldi are making new observations here in France (RS, LBC 26, pp. 402-405) (transcription C. Waff) (Irène Passeron, CP, 16 octobre 2009).
Courcelle (Olivier), « 30 septembre 1739 (1) : George Martine (Paris) écrit à Mortimer », Chronologie de la vie de Clairaut (1713-1765) [En ligne], http://www.clairaut.com/n30septembre1739po1pf.html [Notice publiée le 8 février 2012].