Alexis Clairaut (1713-1765)

Chronologie de la vie de Clairaut (1713-1765)

25 décembre 1753 (1) : Clairaut (Paris) écrit à Richardson :
Dear Sir
Far from imagining that your silence is caused by any neglect, I am satisfied it is rather a discretion not to let mistake an obliging ponctuality for the self interest of hearing of y[ou]r work. By the same reason, I may appear a negligent correspondent for having differed so long to give you any news of y|ou]r last volumes as well the translation. I should have write to you much sooner about it had had not the translator's time so taken up in several occupations, that I was daily obliged to put off the execution of my design. He told me yesterday that at last, he is very earnestly upon translating and within a little time will take the liberty to let you know what are the abridgments he design to y[ou]r book and concert with you the little of the French edition. As to me I have read the new volumes you have sent, with as much pleasure of the first. Even the least particulars have pleased me by the exactness of the pictures and I wish the generality of our nation could be delighted in insisting [blanc] upon circumstances, but they certainly do not. And therefore a good deal of abridgment is necessary, but I wont indeed take upon me the choice of it. And veritikely the Ab[bé...] notwithstanding his art and knowledge of the French taste, will be at a loss, to pick out the things to suppress. It is what you will know as soon as the work is sufficiently advanced to deserve an account of it. Till then I must content myself with assuring you of the desire I have to oblige you and shew to you my sincere attachment and the respect which I am, dear Sir, your most humble and obedient servant Clairaut.
Paris, Decemb[er], the 25th.
[Adresse] Angleterre / To Mr. S. Richardson / in Salisbury Court Fleet Street / London (Boncompagni 94b).
Clairaut répond à une lettre perdue de Richardson.

Clairaut lui avait écrit le 7 octobre (cf. 7 octobre 1753 (1)).

La réponse de Richardson est perdue.

Clairaut réécrit à Richardson le 7 août 1754 (cf. 7 août 1754 (1)).
  • Boncompagni (prince Baldassarre de), « Lettere di Alessio Claudio Clairaut », Atti dell'Accademia Pontifica dei Nuovi Lincei, 45 (1894) 233-291 [12 août 1732 (1)] [1 octobre 1732 (1)] [Plus].
Courcelle (Olivier), « 25 décembre 1753 (1) : Clairaut (Paris) écrit à Richardson », Chronologie de la vie de Clairaut (1713-1765) [En ligne], [Notice publiée le 28 décembre 2010].