Alexis Clairaut (1713-1765)

Chronologie de la vie de Clairaut (1713-1765)

21 février 1754 (1) : À la Royal Society :
A book entitled Tables of the moon calculated according to the theory of universal gravity [C. 41], by Mr Clairaut of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris and F.R.S., 8°, Paris, 1754 was presented to the Society from the author.

For which present thanks were ordered to be returned to him (RS, JBC 21, p. 484).
Courcelle (Olivier), « 21 février 1754 (1) : À la Royal Society », Chronologie de la vie de Clairaut (1713-1765) [En ligne], [Notice publiée le 31 décembre 2010].