(11 avril) 31 mars 1737 : Clairaut est proposé comme membre de la Royal Society :
The following certificate was read, and ordered to be put up according the statutes: Monsieur Clairaut of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris, well known by his learned geometrical and philosophical works, particularly a curious dissertation lately presented to this Society, concerning the true figure of the Earth, is proposed as a candidate to the Society, and recommended as a gentleman likely to do to the same by us. March 31. 1737 Hans Sloane Du Fay M. Folkes John Hadley James Theobald Cromwll. Mortimer John Machin (RS, JBC 16, pp. 74-75).
Autre certificat : M[onsieu]r Clairaut of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris; well known by his learned geometrical and philosophical works, partucularly a curious disertation lately presented to this Society concerning the true figure of the Earth; is proposed as a candidate to the Society and recommended as a gentleman likely to do honour to the same by us. March 31. 1737 Martin Folkes, John Hadley, Ja[mes] Theobald, Crom[we]ll Mortimer, John Machin, Dufay, Hans Sloane. [En bas à gauche] 1 April 7 / 2------21 / 3------28 / 4. May 5 / 5-------12 / 6-------19 / 7-------26 / 8 June 9 / 9-------16 / 10------23. Elected Octr. 27. 1737 (RS, EC/1737/06). Cette initiative est une conséquence de la lettre de Clairaut du (3 mars 1737) 20 février 1736. Comme le mentionne le second certificat, Clairaut sera élu le (7 novembre) 27 octobre (cf. (7 novembre) 27 octobre 1737 (1)).
RS : Royal Society, London.
Courcelle (Olivier), « (11 avril) 31 mars 1737 : Clairaut est proposé comme membre de la Royal Society », Chronologie de la vie de Clairaut (1713-1765) [En ligne], http://www.clairaut.com/npo11avrilpf31mars1737.html [Notice publiée le 7 décembre 2008].
March 31. 1737
Martin Folkes, John Hadley, Ja[mes] Theobald, Crom[we]ll Mortimer, John Machin, Dufay, Hans Sloane.
[En bas à gauche] 1 April 7 / 2------21 / 3------28 / 4. May 5 / 5-------12 / 6-------19 / 7-------26 / 8 June 9 / 9-------16 / 10------23.
Elected Octr. 27. 1737 (RS, EC/1737/06). Cette initiative est une conséquence de la lettre de Clairaut du (3 mars 1737) 20 février 1736. Comme le mentionne le second certificat, Clairaut sera élu le (7 novembre) 27 octobre (cf. (7 novembre) 27 octobre 1737 (1)).